Wednesday, September 23, 2009

not everything in france is better.

My left foot is asleep. And i just ate a rocafort cheese souflee served over thick scrambled eggs. Currently listening to an entire two weeks worth of french radio for homework. best. night. ever.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


I just don't understand.

Am I the only person who produces trash in this country? I currently have two bags of trash sitting in my room, and no where to put them. I have to wait for the family to take out the trash, but they seem to not produce any. How do they accomplish this? I wonder if certain things are edible to the French that aren't edible to us, i.e. wrappers, shopping bags, tissues. Maybe they eat it all. Also, there's no dish soap. Ariana and I have washed all of the dishes, but we refuse to put them away until they've seen some soap. Ariana already has twelve thousand diseases and she really doesn't need another reason to check web-md. Save yourself from the Swine: use dish soap.


Monet. is. awesome.

I love Monet, but there is no doubt that the brilliance behind his paintings can be somewhat attributed to nature. Without his beautiful gardens and ponds he would have never created some of his most famous paintings. The visit to the gardens showed me some of the most gorgeous flowers I've ever encountered, and gave us all a taste of the the French countryside-a rarity for us. Ariana and Valerie were able to express their joy for the countryside by frolicking through the fields. All artists are somewhat crazy, but the beauty of his surroundings may have saved Monet from reaching the extent of craziness that Van Gogh reached.

Van Gogh was still privileged to reside in the countryside, but he was surrounded by far less beauty in his life. His place of death is nothing more than a typical cafe. The time spent in the area of Van Gogh would have been better spent at the Techno festival occurring in Paris.Truth.

Last Night

Seeing as we consider ourselves people living in Paris as opposed to tourists, we strive to act as such when organizing our night life. For this reason, we acted as all true Parisian party-ers do last night, and we left the city. Before making our way outside the city we spent a little time Philippe's, where Valerie made a name for herself as the DJ of the twelve person party. We decided to move the festivities centered around Valerie's musical talents elsewhere.

We drove a little ways out to a club situated in a stunning chateau to enjoy a night of dancing and drinking with those too cool for Paris. As it was an upscale establishment we felt relatively safe, and were immediately in our comfort zones. To further the comfort it was decided that Laurel, Brittany, Val, Kayla and I all deserved a bit of absinthe. The absinthe was promptly followed by Valerie and Kayla showcasing their talents by dancing on the stage. A picture was taken of us by a photographer with a guy pretending to be famous who's name was actually "Chris, just Chris." As the alcohol abuse began to settle in and take a toll on our bodies we found cab and made our way home. The night lives on through the Smirnoff glass found in my purse this morning, and the few pictures we have on our cameras of no one we know.